
どうちゅう 道中

《旅行中》on the [one's] way ((to)); while traveling??ご無事で have a nice trip.道中記 a book of travels.



コーセー、中国本土を実行する[ヘルプ羛金筋モーディのこのシリーズがあります。? 私は牛ドールプログラムの導入を参照してここで、



bs win;ter;ber;ry pronunciation: function: noun date: 1759 1 : an eastern north american shrub (ilex verticillata) of the holly family with axillary flowers, usually bright red berries, and deciduous leaves that turn black in the fall —called also black alder2 : any of several congeneric shrubs or small trees (as ilex laevigata of the eastern united states)


Cartes jour

carte du jour pronunciation: function: noun inflected form(s): plural cartes du jour etymology: french, literally, card of the daydate: 1936 : menu



al;lege pronunciation: function: transitive verb inflected form(s): al;leged; al;leg;ingetymology: middle english alleggen to submit in evidence or as justification, adduce, from anglo-french aleger, allegger, probably in part modification of medieval latin allegare, from latin, to send as a representative, adduce in support of a plea (from ad- + legare to depute), in part from anglo-french aleger to lighten, free, exculpate, from late latin alleviare to relieve — more at legate, alleviatedate: 14th century 1 archaic : to adduce or bring forward as a source or authority2 : to assert without proof or before proving lt;the newspaper alleges the mayor's guiltgt;3 : to bring forward as a reason or excuse


My grandfather is "ghost" was: Magic Tomb: In Chapter II, one of two different (9)

sticks 19 for flute, peter 1 - person point of the torch, in the rain, she then walk in the direction of the catch. we held the old wizard orleck gradually followed by a camel. around the two blocks of four, was the collapse of the first half of the hall. at sunset, hall canbi, purple radiance or have a very grand and luxurious. can you imagine, in this hall is the time many years ago, when intact, flourishing in the ground at all. france in the wall of the temple all the danqing. this insect-yi city, 1000 years ago, this buddhist country, is a theocracy, the king himself was a devout buddhist. in the pit, the torch is due to the rain, give your own light, he text of the above, i took a small notebook to record hunger sketch of the picture. oleksandr question: "mr. pitt, you end here?" paper